Monday, January 26, 2009

To begin and explain:

Perdido = Lost
"Lost" has many degrees
I guess the objective or goal of this trip (which I have tried to avoid setting) is to get lost (ranging in the full spectrum of degrees) in another part of the world, another culture, another experience... this is likely one of the more attainable goals I´ll ever have given there are no real plans, no timelines, and no real contraints except a lack of money and limited spanish language skills, which likely will make ¨getting lost" that much easier...

"in South America" = the region to get lost in and star of this story (understanding "en sur america" would be propper espanol para no hablo espaƱol bien y escribo muy malo)

Keeping with the spirit of the trip and aforementioned goal I have no idea how often I will update, however, to track my aimless wanderings I think you can click the subscribe button and be notified when/if new entries are posted (not sure exactly how it works).

I had serious reservations about creating this world wide web peering glass into my life, but have been suprised by the positive response and interest I received regarding this trip... therefore, here it is. I´m going to try to treat this as a journal of sorts, so if you´re offended easily or are considering hiring me upon my return and swashbuckling tales of all night drinking and irresponsibility might negatively effect your decision then please don´t follow.

Also, hopefully this is the longest entry and I plan to let the pictures and capitions save me from the heavy literary lifting.

Day -1: The sack of stuff and a clean shaven version of me

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